To be able to facilitate the social integration, the German language ought to be learned as soon as possible. Knowledge of the German language is a key that is essential for your personal integration. For this reason the promotion of learning the German language for all migrants (female and male) must be made possible as early as can be. Reason: to use one's potentials in an optimal way and using the chances on the labour market regardless of the legal residential status.
There is a multitude of possibilities to learn the German language. For instance: Schools, Universities, Clubs, culture centres but also private language schools offer courses for a broad spectrum of different age groups.
The county of Schleswig-Flensburg offers a diverse range of possibilities for language sponsorships addressed to grown up migrants. These are carried by the county of Schleswig-Flensburg, the federal government, municipalities, as well as several educational institutions, but also by a lot of volunteers.
Up-to-date informations concerning the language courses, as well as language sponsorships within the county can be found here:
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In the WebGIS as well as in the KURSNET from the Federal Labour Office (BAG) you may also search for a suitable course.
For specific courses you may find general information within subtopics, as well as an overview of locations together with appropriate contact data.
STAFF courses (starter package for refugess in Schleswig-Flensburg)
Within the project STAFF.SH - Starter Package for Refugees in Schleswig-Holstein, local courses are being held for premier linguistic orientation by adult education centres (Volkshochschule) and other approved educational institutions which offers integration courses.
A STAFF-Course consists of a total of 3 Moduls with each Modul having 100 lessons (4 Moduls for Alpha-Courses). Thanks to the generous sponsorship by the State of Schleswig Holstein, the course is free of charge. Participants who have visited the basic STAFF course can continue by joining an intermediate one, that builds up upon the knowledge acquired before. After each course an A1-/A2-/DTZ examination is mandatory. After failing the exam, there is the possibility to participate in a repetition module (Wiederholungsmodul) consisting of one hundred lessons and to repeat the exam. The project is coordinated by the Provincial Association of Adult education (Landesverband der Hochschulen).
The course's content:
- Linguistic and cultural basics to enable communicational proficiency in German
- Knowledge about lifestyle and manners in german society
- Knowing about local consultation and service offerings
For all asylum seekers participation at the project is possible. Please enquire at your local centre for adult education or at your local community, if a STAFF-Course is being offered. Please be aware that integration courses have priority. By participating in a STAFF Course, it is important to know, that it shall not lead to a loss of legal entitlement to keep a place to participate in an integration course!
Additional information concerning STAFF-Courses can be obtained on the site Seite des Landesverbandes Volkshochschulen Schleswig-Holstein
Current concept can be found on the following diagram:
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If you have any questions, please contact:
Phone: 0431 97984-23
Coordinator Staff SH
Holstenbrücke 7
24103 Kiel
EOK.SH- »Premier orientation courses in Schleswig-Holstein«
Within the project EOK.SH- Refugees, who are not coming from safe countries of origin, can participate in low-threshold courses to obtain knowledge about regional and cultural studies along with learning simple skills in the German language. The course covers 300 lessons and has a duration of an estimated five months.
The project is being coordinated by the regional association of adult education centres Schleswig-Holstein e.V. This project is implemented by adult education centres and other approved institutions.
Content of courses:
- A total of six compulsory elective subjects, with 50 lessons each. The target audience will learn topics such as: norm and rules of living together, dealing with authorities, medical care, working in Germany etc.
- Knowledge about the way of life and manners in German society in connection with the appropriate vocabulary and linguistic phrases.
- knowledge about local service and counselling.
The purpose of the courses is to support the asylum seeker in hers or his specific life situation and to make the entry period in Germany easier.
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If you have any questions , please contact:
Franciska Meyhoff
Coordinator Staff SH
Phone: 0431 97984-25
Holstenbrücke 7
24103 Kiel
Integration courses (BAMF-courses)
The integration course is a government supported basic offer for linguistic and political education addressed to migrants. It stands at the beginning of the whole integration process. Aim of the course is, that the migrant is able to act without help or mediation of a third party to successfully cope with the daily issues of every days life.
Overview of the offered integration courses in the county of Schleswig-Flensburg:
General integration course:
600 + 100 (orientations course) total of 700 lessons
Courses for special target groups: Youth -, Women*-, Parents-, literacy learners*-, second scripture learners*- and support courses.
900 + 100 (orientation course) total of 1000 lessons
Additional courses, which have not been offered yet in this area.
Intensive Course: 400 + 30 lessons (orientation course) total of 430 lessons
What does the course intend to achieve: Integration and social participance of migrants as well as the achievement of the B1 level
The main focus of the integration courses are the following target groups:
- Migrants and late repatriates
- Applicants for asylum with a good prospect of remaining in Germany
- Tolerated foreigners according to section 60 a (2) (3) Residence Act
- Holders of a residence permit according to section 25 (5) Residence Act
- Citizens of the EU
- Germans needing integration
Migrants can do the course on a voluntary basis, if they are not obligated to do so by the immigration authority, job center or social security authority.
Prior to beginning the course an assessment test (Einstufungstest) will be held. The course ends with the certificate „Integration course“ („Zertifikat Intergrationskurs“), which consists out of two parts:
„German-test for Migrants“ (Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer, so called DTZ) and orientation course „Living in Germany“ (Orientierungskurs „Leben in Deutschland“, so called LiD). The linguistic level will be taught up till the level B1.
If the final exam is not successfully passed the first time, a repeat application for further participation at the language course can be made. 300 units can be additionally sponsored and the final exam can be once again done without a charge.
What does an integration course cost?
One lesson or unit costs €1,95 (contribution costs). A general integration course with a total of 700 units therefore comes with a price tag of €1,365.
Late repatriates have the option to participate at an integration course, without having to pay for it.
Applicants for asylum with a good prospect of staying, tolerated foreigners according to § 60a 2,3 Residence Act, people with a residence permit, as well as asylum seekers.
Recipients of unemployment benefits are automatically exempt from contribution costs. Also exempt are participants who have special difficulties to pay the cost contribution (for example recipients of welfare). In these cases, however, an income assessment is necessary.
It is important to apply in time for exemption of cost before the course starts. The cost exemption cannot be done retrospectively, but only from the moment on the application has been filed and the next chapter of the course starts.
If you passed the final exam of the integration course successfully (Level B1 GER), you may get half of the contribution cost back, that were payed by you. The repayment is only possible within 2 years from the issuance date of your entitlement of attendance.
Travel costs can also be refunded upon request. The participant can freely choose the educational institution who provides the course and the application for refunding will be filed via this educational institution.
Further detailed information concerning the courses can be found on the site of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) ( Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge).
Essential forms and applications for all target groups can be obtained here
Explanatory leaflets in multiple languages can be found here
Please search for a suitable integration course in your vicinity at WebGis.
Here you will find the contact data of educational institutions who offer integration courses within the county and city limits of Flensburg.
Adult educational centre Schleswig (VHS Schleswig)
Frau Widdel
Phone: 04621 966-20
Königsstraße 30
24837 Schleswig
Adult educational centre Flensburg (VHS Flensburg)
Astrid Löwensen / Marianne Pletzing
Phone: 0461 8541-02
Süderhofenden 40-42
24937 Flensburg
Berlitz Centre Flensburg
Heiko Golde
Phone: 0461 3132-700
Fax: 0461 168 93 83
Holm 66
24937 Flensburg
DAA - German Employee Academy GmbH (Deutsche Angestellten Akademie - DAA)
Silke Kossel
Phone: 0461 570-760
Lilienthalstraße 45
24941 Flensburg
Economic Academy (WAK) (Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH)
Klara Gehrke
Phone: 0461 50339 -15
Fax: 0461 50339 - 32
Standort Flensburg
Heinrichstraße 16
24937 Flensburg
Economical Centre of Handcraft Plus WHP (Wirtschaftszentrum Handwerk Plus WHP)
Klara and Andrej Warkentin
Phone: 04621 9655-18
Fax: 04621 / 9655-18
Ilensee 4
24837 Schleswig
SBB Competence GmbH (SBB Kompetenz GmbH)
Phone: 04101 8691-827
Fax: 04101 8691-828
Lollfuß 43
24837 Schleswig
Work-related german language sponsoring (according to article 45a residence act)
On the first of July 2016 the federal government extended the offer of work-related language sponsoring to people with a migratory background: The work-related language sponsoring became a regulatory instrument of the language sponsoring by the state. It is being implemented by the BAMF and builds directly upon the integration courses.
Work-related German language sponsoring consists of different courses that can be combined individually and connect the tuition of the German language with proceeding of the Federal Labour Office/Job Center. Language skills can be acquired up till the C2 Level.
Aim of the course: The work-related German sponsoring is used to acquire the necessary language skills in order to improve the chances on the German labour-and and apprenticeship market.
- You have already successfully completed and/or are speaking German on B1, B2 or C1 level according to the common European Reference Framework for languages (GER)
Work-related German language courses are addressed and foremost aimed at the following target groups:
- Migrants from third countries including tolerated people according to clause 4 (1.2) DeuFöV and people who are entitled and permitted to stay in Germany for the purpose of their asylum procedure in accordance to clause 4 (1.3) DeuFöV in conjunction with clause 45a (2.3 and 2.4) AufenthG. Eligible to participate are people from countries of origin who are entitled and permitted to stay in Germany for the purpose of their asylum procedure with a good prognosis to stay. Belonging to these are Syria and Eritrea, starting from August 1st 2019 onward.
- Citizens from the EU
- Germans with migratory backgrounds
It is also being assumed that the participants:
- are a registered job seeker and/or in general getting benefits according to SGB II (Hartz IV) or SGB III (Arbeitslosengeld- unemployment's benefits)
- looking for an apprenticeship or are already within in one
- For your training qualification, respectively your completion of training are within the acceptance procedure
- are employed
- are having a migratory background and being in need of further linguistic qualification.
You have already finished an integration course and/or are already speaking German at B1,B2 or C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (GER)
As far as the participation to a course is concerned, the Federal Labour Office decides (for clients within the asylum procedure) or the Job Center (for already approved refugees)!
The responsible consultant or case manager will give an entitlement which has to be presented to an educational institution that conducts German courses, upon registration.
There is a distinction between basic courses and special ones.
There are three types of basic courses:
• B1 building to B2
• B2 building to C1
• C1 building to C2
Every basic course consists out of 400 units. They content-wise both: colloquial skills with vocational related language development. The course aims at a group size of at least 15 participants. In rural areas smaller groups may be possible. Each module finishes with a certified exam.
Currently the county of Schleswig-Flensburg belongs to a region with a potential lesser number of possible participants, therefore all courses with at least 7 persons are possible.
Currently all courses in the region are being offered with a bridge element (500 units).
Besides the basic courses, different special courses are intended, with the focus on the following points:
- Accompanying for people within the recognition procedure for certain academical professions.
- Different specialisations, which give discipline-specific content, for example within the care-, or commercial sectors.
- In the future there will be an additional course for participants who were not able, despite repeating, to achieve the B1 Level within the integration course. For these participants special courses will be available on the A1 and A2 level.
The number of lessons within the course area (with two failed examinations attempts!!!) and for Alpha-Courses with one examination attempt, is decisive for the admittance of the participant to the special courses.
Further additional information can be obtained on the website from the BAMF.
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Flyer for job-related language courses in different languages (German, Arabic, English, etc.)
Leaflets in various languages you may find here
Job-related language courses within the county zone
Job-related language courses (basic courses B1 and C1) are already being offered in Schleswig and in Flensburg. Please find out for yourself via KURSNET about new starting dates of language courses. The educational institutions are obliged to publish all starting dates in time.
Below you will find educational institutions, who are allowed to conduct job-related language courses in the county zone.
Berlitz Centre Flensburg
Heiko Golde
Phone: 0461 3132-700
Fax: 0461 16893-83
Holm 66
24937 Flensburg
DAA - German Employee Academy GmbH (Deutsche Angestellten Akademie - DAA)
Silke Kossel
Phone: 0461 570-760
Lilienthalstraße 45
24941 Flensburg
Adult educational centre Flensburg (VHS Flensburg)
Astrid Löwensen / Marianne Pletzing
Süderhofenden 40-42
24937 Flensburg
Phone: 0461 8541-02
Economic Academy (WAK) (Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH)
Klara Gehrke
Standort Flensburg
Heinrichstraße 16
24937 Flensburg
Phone: 0461 50339 -15
Fax: 0461 50339 - 32
Tertia Vocational Promotion GmbH & Co. KG (Tertia Berufsförderung GmbH & Co. KG)
Susan Bertram
Schiffbrücke 66
24939 Flensburg
Phone: 0461 14683-341
Fax: 0461 14683-349
Adult educational centre Schleswig (VHS Schleswig)
Frau Widdel
Königsstraße 30
24837 Schleswig
Phone: 04621 966-20
Language training for refugess in order to facilitate the labour market integration
Since August 2019 the network All Aboard! offers in addition its counselling for refugees who are on their way to qualification and work, labour-market oriented language trainings in small groups. They are available online as well for refugees. This offer is continued in 2020 as well.
The language trainings do not replace the language courses by the BAMF or STAFF, they complement them. The language training facilitates the preparation to an employment or an apprenticeship after a language course and also helps during the waiting period until further language courses. The learned is intended to be strengthened, written skills to be solidified, and verbal skills trained.
There are different formats of language trainings: classroom training, language cafés for women, apprentice round tables as well as online training, just what may be necessary or what is possible. The participants get besides the training also methods and tools, to continue learning on their own. The focus is put on the individual need of the participants. For this a specific offer is being prepared locally.
In case you belong to the group that is meant here, and are in need of support to learn the language, please contact:
Extensive information can be found in a brochure and the attached concept:
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Program for study preparation and integration of refugees (ProRef) from the European University of Flensburg
The program for study preparation-and integration of refugees (ProRef) supported by the European University of Flensburg (EUF) helps refugees who are interested in taking up university studies. The program aids the linguistic, methodical and cultural preparation for a study as well as at the integration into the German higher education system, the job market and German society.
The ProRef Program consists out of:
- academical oriented German-and English language courses at the levels B2-C1/C1-C2
- approved language exams (German/English)
- methodical and cultural introductory courses
- individual study-,profession-,and social counselling
- support at the search for an accommodation, applying for a study place and applying for the Federal Student´s Assistance Act (BaFög).
- Guest auditor: Using the university infrastructure at no charge and visiting lectures as well as seminars.
- sociocultural activities and CampusFRIENDS
The program has a duration of one year and starts annually in the month of July and is being subsidised by the state of Schleswig-Holstein as well as by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) who is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Summer school I
The ProRef-program starts in July with Summer School I. It offers the participants to refresh and improve their knowledge of German or English onto the B1 Level. Additionally the introductory course „Academic Culture in Germany“ is taking place.
Intensive language course phase:
The eight months long „intensive language course phase“ starts in September. The German respectively English courses at the levels B2-C1 and C1-C2 enable a qualification for all study programs, no matter if they are held in German, English or are bilingual at the E.U. Flensburg but also for study programs at other universities.
- Background of fleeing
- Higher education entry qualifications (HZB)
- Language skills: German at B1 or B2 level, respectively English at B1 level
- Being interested in higher education/university studies.
Frame work conditions
There is no fee for the participants as far as costs for course material, the course itself or the participation in examination is concerned.
Travel expenses
For all participants coming from the county of Schleswig-Flensburg: The use of the Semester Ticket at favourable terms valid from the complete state of Schleswig-Flensburg for the autumn semester 2020/21 and the spring semester of 2021 have been applied for. Also reimbursements by the county are possible.
cost of living/living expenses
Depending on the status of residency, benefits according to AsylbLG or SGBII/XII are possible. More information can be found on the website from the ProRef Program.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Mr. Dr. Thomas Duttle
University of Europe Flensburg
Building VIL 2 / Room 207
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg
Phone: 0461 805-2662
Ready to go (Startklar)-preliminary studies for refugees at the University of Flensburg
The program Ready-to-go is being offered by the University of Flensburg and aims at refugees who want to study. For duration of one semester, future students to be are being prepared linguistically and professionally on their study.
German is combined with subjects that contain basic knowledge of business administration, mathematics or programming. In addition there are courses that will teach you how to work academically and academic culture.
Content of the preliminary studies
Period and duration
The preliminary studies begin on the 1st of April and lasts until the 21st of July. The preliminary studies covers an estimated 24 lessons, each lasting 45 minutes, 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday.
Teaching German is calculated with 18 of these lessons, 4 are German tutorials and two are dedicated to academic writing. Furthermore there will be introductions into individual courses as well as into academically structures.
As a participant who is taking part into the preliminary course, respectively as being a guest student, you are entitled to attend lectures outside of regular class times.
Furthermore excursions and social events are planned and as you are a guest student you are also regularly informed about current events and activities which are aimed at matriculated students.
- Prove of fleeing background (stated in your identity card)
- knowledge of German at least on the level of B1( TELC, TestDaf and Goethe Certificate are accepted)
- A school leaving qualification that equals the German „Abitur“. You will have to get your foreign leaving qualification validated via
In case that you have not already done this, a preliminary examination will be held in most cases. A so called certificate of equivalence issued by a federal certification authority, is also accepted.
General framework/conditions
Participants of the preliminary course will be registered at the university as guest students. This registration costs €100. For SGB II-or AsylbLG recipients it is possible to get an exemption of this fee.
Since the Schleswig Holstein wide implementation of the „Semester ticket“, no semester tickets are unfortunately being issued to guest students. For all participants, living outside of Flensburg, we offer a travel allowance.
At the end of the program, a TestDAF examination will be held at the university. The fee for this examination is €195 and has to be paid for by the student her-or himself. The registration for the examination has to be made at
In case you are interested, please sent an email to for a consultation appointment. When coming to the appointment, please be aware that you are able to present your school leaving qualification, languages certificates and the prove of your status as a refugee.
If you have any questions
Mr. Brian Andersen
University of Flensburg
Room H 23
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
Phone: 0461 805-1837
Honorary initiatives (language courses)
Besides the range of full-time language course offerings within the county of Schleswig-Flensburg, there is a miscellaneous amount of honorary language courses, who independently, together with a high number of many highly motivated citizens, respectively with the support of their local communities, are being organised. The structures of these courses are adjusted to fulfil the needs of refugees, and are offered accordingly to these. Down below you can find a short characteristic summary of the honorary courses.
- Lessons take place in small groups
- Teachers: mainly retired German teachers, students having their focus primarily on „DaZ“ or people with a pedagogic background.
- A heterogeneous level of speech and learning speed.
- Individual support of learning
- Participation ranging from one day to five days a week, mostly during the afternoons
- Travel expenses are not reimbursed within the „AsylbLG“, as such as participations is only locally possible or the travel costs are payed for by sponsors or by donations.
- Parallel to a full time course.
If you are searching for a contact person for a specific course, please contact your local community or your local office. Contact data from the honorary initiatives within the county of Schleswig-Flensburg