Impairments after mentally strained situations
Sometimes people experience situations or have seen things that were in a way so very shocking that they were difficult to cope with. Quite often these people suffer from insomnia, concentration difficulties, aggressions etc. It is said that these people have suffered a trauma and the result can be a psychic traumatic stress disorder. Often it is the case that people who flee to Germany from other countries had to endure very bad and awful things.
If you too had to experience a stressful situation and suffer from it, you can get help in Germany. In Germany, there are psychologists as well as psychiatrists who are specialised in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorders. The best counsel that can be given is that you have courage and trust in your family doctor, the employees of the migration counselling centre or in your guide. You may confide in them and they can help you. Together you may find a suitable psychologist and should you not yet have enough knowledge of the german language, treatment at the psychologist can still take place, aided by a translator. As far as these translators are concerned, they are trained professionals who have helped before during therapies. Both, doctor and translator, are bound by the medical confidentiality. It means that they cannot tell anyone anything what you confide in them. However, before you start with a therapy, you have to apply for the assumption of any costs for psychologists and translators at your social centre. Only after you have received the approval given to you by the social centre, you may start the therapy. It may sound quite a lot, but the employees of the migration counselling centres will aide and guide you in the procedure.
This brochure will explain to you what a trauma, a psychic post traumatic stress disorder is and the ways you can be treated.
Traumafolgestörungen und Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS)
englisch / Trauma induced disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
farsi / ایجاد شده پس از تکانشتکانش (تروما) واختلال های استرسیاختلال های استرسی ایجاد شده در اثر
kurdisch / Encama têkçûnên trauma û Libinguhêhevketina dûv traumayê re
arabisch / والاضطراب المجهد بعد الصدمة النفسيةالاضطرابات الناتجة عن الصدمة النفسية
The Max-Planck-Institut has developed a short movie that educates about symptoms that occur at traumatisation. The short film is created in German, English, Arabic and in Farsi. Look under Arabic and Persian for these language versions.
Even if children are still very young, they will notice a lot and suffer from the dire experiences. As a parent you may often do not know how to help your child. Therefore the following brochure published by the federal chamber of psychotherapy may offer you some helpful hints.
Ratgeber für Flüchtlingseltern auf deutsch
Ratgeber für Flüchtlingseltern auf persisch / برای والدین پناهجوتوصیە و راهنمایی
Ratgeber für Flüchtlingseltern auf kurdisch / Rêbera ji bo dê û bavên penaberan
Psycho-social advice center seated in Flensburg
A new psycho-social support offering of Migrants has been successfully founded in 2020 together with the city of Flensburg.
If the need occurs you can contact the counselling centre. The counselling may take place multilingual.
You can get contact data and more detailed information from the flyer mentioned below:
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