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If children are concerned, there are special doctors who take care of them, called paediatricians. Paediatricians also take care of the medical check-ups for children and youths, so called U1 until U9 screenings. They start at the birth of a baby and continue until the child has the age to go to school. Parents receive a prophylactic booklet, after their child was born. It contains the results of the examinations.

Bring the prophylactic booklet (Vorsorgeheft) when visiting your paediatrician. The screenings should take place at certain times in the development of your child. In addition you will be reminded in written form of screenings when they are due. Also: If you would like to get more information, you can get it from your paediatrician and also at the Federal Centre of Health Education.

Vaccination guide (Wegweiser zu Schutzimpfungen) published in many different languages, created by the Ethno Medical Centre e.V.

A vaccination calendar available in 20. different languages is available on the website from the Robert Koch Institut (RKI)

At the Federal Centre for Health Education you can also obtain further and more detailed multilingual information concerning pregnancies, as well as the first years of the child.


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