Integration courses (BAMF-courses)
The integration course is a government supported basic offer for linguistic and political education addressed to migrants. It stands at the beginning of the whole integration process. Aim of the course is, that the migrant is able to act without help or mediation of a third party to successfully cope with the daily issues of every days life.
Overview of the offered integration courses in the county of Schleswig-Flensburg:
General integration course:
600 + 100 (orientations course) total of 700 lessons
Courses for special target groups: Youth -, Women*-, Parents-, literacy learners*-, second scripture learners*- and support courses.
900 + 100 (orientation course) total of 1000 lessons
Additional courses, which have not been offered yet in this area.
Intensive Course: 400 + 30 lessons (orientation course) total of 430 lessons
What does the course intend to achieve: Integration and social participance of migrants as well as the achievement of the B1 level
The main focus of the integration courses are the following target groups:
- Migrants and late repatriates
- Applicants for asylum with a good prospect of remaining in Germany
- Tolerated foreigners according to section 60 a (2) (3) Residence Act
- Holders of a residence permit according to section 25 (5) Residence Act
- Citizens of the EU
- Germans needing integration
Migrants can do the course on a voluntary basis, if they are not obligated to do so by the immigration authority, job center or social security authority.
Prior to beginning the course an assessment test (Einstufungstest) will be held. The course ends with the certificate „Integration course“ („Zertifikat Intergrationskurs“), which consists out of two parts:
„German-test for Migrants“ (Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer, so called DTZ) and orientation course „Living in Germany“ (Orientierungskurs „Leben in Deutschland“, so called LiD). The linguistic level will be taught up till the level B1.
If the final exam is not successfully passed the first time, a repeat application for further participation at the language course can be made. 300 units can be additionally sponsored and the final exam can be once again done without a charge.
What does an integration course cost?
One lesson or unit costs €1,95 (contribution costs). A general integration course with a total of 700 units therefore comes with a price tag of €1,365.
Late repatriates have the option to participate at an integration course, without having to pay for it.
Applicants for asylum with a good prospect of staying, tolerated foreigners according to § 60a 2,3 Residence Act, people with a residence permit, as well as asylum seekers.
Recipients of unemployment benefits are automatically exempt from contribution costs. Also exempt are participants who have special difficulties to pay the cost contribution (for example recipients of welfare). In these cases, however, an income assessment is necessary.
It is important to apply in time for exemption of cost before the course starts. The cost exemption cannot be done retrospectively, but only from the moment on the application has been filed and the next chapter of the course starts.
If you passed the final exam of the integration course successfully (Level B1 GER), you may get half of the contribution cost back, that were payed by you. The repayment is only possible within 2 years from the issuance date of your entitlement of attendance.
Travel costs can also be refunded upon request. The participant can freely choose the educational institution who provides the course and the application for refunding will be filed via this educational institution.
Further detailed information concerning the courses can be found on the site of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) ( Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge).
Essential forms and applications for all target groups can be obtained here
Explanatory leaflets in multiple languages can be found here
Please search for a suitable integration course in your vicinity at WebGis.
Here you will find the contact data of educational institutions who offer integration courses within the county and city limits of Flensburg.
Adult educational centre Schleswig (VHS Schleswig)
Frau Widdel Visit website
Königsstraße 30 Phone: 04621 96620
24837 Schleswig @mail to
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Adult educational centre Flensburg (VHS Flensburg)
Astrid Löwensen / Marianne Pletzing Visit website
Süderhofenden 40-42 Phone: 0461 - 85 41 02
24937 Flensburg @mail to
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Berlitz Centre Flensburg
Heiko Golde Fax: 0461 168 93 83
Holm 66. Phone: 0461 - 3132700
24937 Flensburg @mail to
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DAA - German Employee Academy GmbH (Deutsche Angestellten Akademie - DAA
Silke Kossel
Lilienthalstraße 45 Phone: 0461 - 570 76 0
24941 Flensburg @mail to
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Economic Academy (WAK) (Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH)
Klara Gehrke Fax: 0461 50339 - 32
Standort Flensburg Phone: 0461 - 50339 -15
Heinrichstraße 16 @mail to
24937 Flensburg Visit Website
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Economical Centre of Handcraft Plus WHP (Wirtschaftszentrum Handwerk Plus WHP
Klara and Andrej Warkentin @mail to
Ilensee 4 Fax: 04621 / 965518
24837 Schleswig Phone: 04621 - 965518
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SBB Competence GmbH (SBB Kompetenz GmbH)
Lollfuß 43 @mail to
24837 Schleswig Phone: 04101 - 86 91 827
Show on map: Fax: 04101 - 86 91 828
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