Work-related german language sponsoring (according to article 45a residence act)
On the first of July 2016 the federal government extended the offer of work-related language sponsoring to people with a migratory background: The work-related language sponsoring became a regulatory instrument of the language sponsoring by the state. It is being implemented by the BAMF and builds directly upon the integration courses.
Work-related German language sponsoring consists of different courses that can be combined individually and connect the tuition of the German language with proceeding of the Federal Labour Office/Job Center. Language skills can be acquired up till the C2 Level.
Aim of the course: The work-related German sponsoring is used to acquire the necessary language skills in order to improve the chances on the German labour-and and apprenticeship market.
- You have already successfully completed and/or are speaking German on B1, B2 or C1 level according to the common European Reference Framework for languages (GER)
Work-related German language courses are addressed and foremost aimed at the following target groups:
- Migrants from third countries including tolerated people according to clause 4 (1.2) DeuFöV and people who are entitled and permitted to stay in Germany for the purpose of their asylum procedure in accordance to clause 4 (1.3) DeuFöV in conjunction with clause 45a (2.3 and 2.4) AufenthG. Eligible to participate are people from countries of origin who are entitled and permitted to stay in Germany for the purpose of their asylum procedure with a good prognosis to stay. Belonging to these are Syria and Eritrea, starting from August 1st 2019 onward.
- Citizens from the EU
- Germans with migratory backgrounds
It is also being assumed that the participants:
- are a registered job seeker and/or in general getting benefits according to SGB II (Hartz IV) or SGB III (Arbeitslosengeld- unemployment's benefits)
- looking for an apprenticeship or are already within in one
- For your training qualification, respectively your completion of training are within the acceptance procedure
- are employed
- are having a migratory background and being in need of further linguistic qualification.
You have already finished an integration course and/or are already speaking German at B1,B2 or C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (GER)
As far as the participation to a course is concerned, the Federal Labour Office decides (for clients within the asylum procedure) or the Job Center (for already approved refugees)!
The responsible consultant or case manager will give an entitlement which has to be presented to an educational institution that conducts German courses, upon registration.
There is a distinction between basic courses and special ones.
There are three types of basic courses:
• B1 building to B2
• B2 building to C1
• C1 building to C2
Every basic course consists out of 400 units. They content-wise both: colloquial skills with vocational related language development. The course aims at a group size of at least 15 participants. In rural areas smaller groups may be possible. Each module finishes with a certified exam.
Currently the county of Schleswig-Flensburg belongs to a region with a potential lesser number of possible participants, therefore all courses with at least 7 persons are possible.
Currently all courses in the region are being offered with a bridge element (500 units).
Besides the basic courses, different special courses are intended, with the focus on the following points:
- Accompanying for people within the recognition procedure for certain academical professions.
- Different specialisations, which give discipline-specific content, for example within the care-, or commercial sectors.
- In the future there will be an additional course for participants who were not able, despite repeating, to achieve the B1 Level within the integration course. For these participants special courses will be available on the A1 and A2 level.
The number of lessons within the course area (with two failed examinations attempts!!!) and for Alpha-Courses with one examination attempt, is decisive for the admittance of the participant to the special courses.
Further additional information can be obtained on the website from the BAMF.
- PDF-Datei: (PDF, 84 kB)
Flyer for job-related language courses in different languages (German, Arabic, English, etc.)
Leaflets in various languages you may find here
Job-related language courses within the county zone
Job-related language courses (basic courses B1 and C1) are already being offered in Schleswig and in Flensburg. Please find out for yourself via KURSNET about new starting dates of language courses. The educational institutions are obliged to publish all starting dates in time.
Below you will find educational institutions, who are allowed to conduct job-related language courses in the county zone.
Berlitz Centre Flensburg
Heiko Golde Fax: 0461 168 93 83
Holm 66. Phone: 0461 - 3132700
24937 Flensburg @mail to
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DAA - German Employee Academy GmbH (Deutsche Angestellten Akademie - DAA
Silke Kossel
Lilienthalstraße 45 Phone: 0461 - 570 76 0
24941 Flensburg @mail to
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Adult educational centre Flensburg (VHS Flensburg)
Astrid Löwensen / Marianne Pletzing Visit website
Süderhofenden 40-42 Phone: 0461 - 85 41 02
24937 Flensburg @mail to
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Economic Academy (WAK) (Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH)
Klara Gehrke Fax: 0461 50339 - 32
Standort Flensburg Phone: 0461 - 50339 -15
Heinrichstraße 16 @mail to
24937 Flensburg Visit Website
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Tertia Vocational Promotion GmbH & Co. KG (Tertia Berufsförderung GmbH & Co. KG
Susan Bertram Fax: 0461 14 68 33 49
Schiffbrücke 66 Phone: 0461 - 14 68 33 41
24939 Flensburg @mail to
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Adult educational centre Schleswig (VHS Schleswig)
Frau Widdel Visit website
Königsstraße 30 Phone: 04621 96620
24837 Schleswig @mail to
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