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STAFF courses (starter package for refugess in Schleswig-Flensburg)

Within the project STAFF.SH - Starter Package for Refugees in Schleswig-Holstein, local courses are being held for premier linguistic orientation by adult education centres (Volkshochschule) and other approved educational institutions which offers integration courses.

A STAFF-Course consists of a total of 3 Moduls with each Modul having 100 lessons (4 Moduls for Alpha-Courses). Thanks to the generous sponsorship by the State of Schleswig Holstein, the course is free of charge. Participants who have visited the basic STAFF course can continue by joining an intermediate one, that builds up upon the knowledge acquired before. After each course an A1-/A2-/DTZ examination is mandatory. After failing the exam, there is the possibility to participate in a repetition module (Wiederholungsmodul) consisting of one hundred lessons and to repeat the exam. The project is coordinated by the Provincial Association of Adult education (Landesverband der Hochschulen).

The course's content:

  • Linguistic and cultural basics to enable communicational proficiency in German
  • Knowledge about lifestyle and manners in german society
  • Knowing about local consultation and service offerings

For all asylum seekers participation at the project is possible. Please enquire at your local centre for adult education or at your local community, if a STAFF-Course is being offered. Please be aware that integration courses have priority. By participating in a STAFF Course, it is important to know, that it shall not lead to a loss of legal entitlement to keep a place to participate in an integration course!

Additional information concerning STAFF-Courses can be obtained on the site Seite des Landesverbandes Volkshochschulen Schleswig-Holstein

Current concept can be found on the following diagram:

If you have any questions, please contact:


Phone: 0431 97984-23
Coordinator Staff SH
Holstenbrücke 7 

24103 Kiel 

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