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EOK.SH- »Premier orientation courses in Schleswig-Holstein«

Within the project EOK.SH- Refugees, who are not coming from safe countries of origin, can participate in low-threshold courses to obtain knowledge about regional and cultural studies along with learning simple skills in the German language. The course covers 300 lessons and has a duration of an estimated five months.

The project is being coordinated by the regional association of adult education centres Schleswig-Holstein e.V. This project is implemented by adult education centres and other approved institutions.

Content of courses:

  • A total of six compulsory elective subjects, with 50 lessons each. The target audience will learn topics such as: norm and rules of living together, dealing with authorities, medical care, working in Germany etc.
  • Knowledge about the way of life and manners in German society in connection with the appropriate vocabulary and linguistic phrases.
  • knowledge about local service and counselling.

The purpose of the courses is to support the asylum seeker in hers or his specific life situation and to make the entry period in Germany easier.


If you have any questions , please contact:

Franciska Meyhoff

Coordinator Staff SH
Phone: 0431 97984-25
Holstenbrücke 7 
24103 Kiel 

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